Which Industries & Systems Need POTS Replacement
Alarm Adapters
Allows fire and burglar alarms to fully operate, even when the power and internet go down.
With 4G internet backup, people can withdraw money without an analog or wifi connection.
Emergency Systems
Avoid disaster with a self-contained, reliable connection that works when you need it.
Elevator Adapters
Elevator phones and alarms need to work at all hours of the day, even when the power goes out.
Fax Machines
Fax lines will remain HIPPA compliant with a reliable connection that costs less.
Fire Alarms
Reliable phone connections in the event of a fire, even if the power goes out. Click below to go wireless.
Gate Entry
Security and garage entry gates will still operate as usual even when no longer on analog lines.
Hospital phone and fax lines will remain HIPPA compliant over a stable wireless connection.
Hotel elevator and phone line infrastructure can easily be transitioned into reliable, wireless connections.
Retail / Point of Sale
Keep growing your business and continue taking electronic payments during power outages.
POTS line replacement for K-12 school buildings, college campuses and universities, lecture halls, and libraries.
Voice Adapters
Switch from traditional analog to Voice Over IP via LTE for a stable connection at a lower cost.